
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

2 days ago i said goodbye to my family. 2 days ago my heart broke into a million pieces. the bond i have with my family is indescribable, they are my best friends. they are encouraging, loving, supportive, comforting, trustworthy, funny, creative and so much more. leaving them for the first time ever, wrecked me in more ways than i thought it would, and it’s still hurting. it makes me sad to think i can’t go and hug them when i’m upset right now or when i have a problem making a decision, lay with them and ask them for advice. it hurts me to not be able to facetime them everyday. this is hard real hard and there’s parts of me that makes me question why i ever decided to do this. why did i think leaving the country for 9 months is something i could do? and the reality behind it all is because i can do it, but not alone. and i need to remember why i choose this. why in the moment when i filled out that application did i believe in myself and believe that i could surrender everything. and it’s hard sometimes to remember why when the devil is trying to tell you why not. why you can’t do it? why you aren’t strong enough. i choose to do the race because i want to love others and love them deeply. i want to bring hope to the hopeless. i want to see god move in ways i’ve never seen. i want to grow deeply in my relationship with god. i want to bring joy to the depressed. i want to remind people how beautiful they are, how loved they are, i want to tell people they are more than enough, i want to bring food to the hungry, hug the hurting, comfort the orphans. and when i sit and really think about it and how i’m surrendering all that’s good right now i get excited all over again because i remember why i got called to do this and why i chose to say yes. because better things are coming far greater than everything i surrendered.

4 responses to “feelings from september 12th (2 days after saying goodbye to my fam)”

  1. Brittany, your family sounds like such an incredible gift! I pray that your team will become that for you this year as you guys grow closer and learn to love each other well. We’re praying for all of you!

  2. We love and miss you so much!! At the same time we are so excited and encouraged to see the amazing experiences God has in store for all of you, as well as all of us back home!! Love to pieces sweet girl ??

  3. Yes! Things that are unseen, not seen!!! Things that are eternal!!! Things that NOTHING can seperate you from!

  4. britt!! my joy multiplies when i see your joy and i see it real often these days 🙂
    super thankful you surrendered so many good things to have the best thing (God).